Why cats bite

Ouch! Your cat is small and the six small teeth are sharp. Why did you bite your cat?

Your cat may be afraid. Your child may be pulled at the cat's tail. Or maybe an unknown person is trying to get the cat. Cat bite to protect itself.

The cats often bite when they play. You can be a walk across the room and suddenly attacked a toe. Some cats hate tickling his belly and his hand will bite you. Although theseBiting is normal behavior for cats, you probably do not want your cat bite you or your family. Help your cat to release energy by hunting and loss of cat toys, long poles, leaving the hands do not get your way. Do not use the hand chased or other parts of the body as object, as this only encourages biting.

Some of biting kitten, believe it or not, Love Show. Cats bite each other a bit 'to show their affection for each other, and your cat canstyle give you love cats. Some cats also biting gently as you lick. The cat is actually grooming you, and is more common cat bite is too low, while each spouse.

cat bite to let you know that you care enough for a while '. Your cat may be content to purr as his pet and then turn around and bite to stop petting. Cats usually give enough signals that they have had before biting asas the laying of new rims with the ears or tail.

The pain can bite cats. If your cat suddenly begins to bite for no apparent reason, get a vet exam to rule out physical problems.

Handling kittens in the presence of the mother cat, you too can bite the cat as mothers tend to become very protective of their children. Usually the mother will stop once the kitten bit older.

If your cat bites, there are several possible causes. Notaggressive play with your cat to know the medical history and treatment, can be natural cat behavior, you can reduce or eliminate the bite and enjoy your cat friend.

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